Data publishers may perceive adoption of linked open data to have daunting entry barriers. In particular, they are aware of the high demands on expertise for publishing linked data, which is esteemed to have a steep learning curve. Linked data publishing model poses requirements that may seem to be difficult to meet. The Frequently Observed Problems on the Web of Data [1] testify to that.
Therefore, “it is vital to follow a realistic, practical and inexpensive approach” [2]. Fortunately, linked data facilitates an incremental, evolutionary information management. Its deployment may follow a step by step approach, adopting iterative development for continuous improvement. For example, before a switch of the database technology linked data publishers could start by caching given legacy databases into triple stores. Another way how to cushion the demands of linked data adoption is to minimise their ontological commitment by creating small ontologies that may be gradually linked together.
Two implementation challenges collocated with the adoption of linked open data in the public sector will be dealt with in detail; resistance to change in the public sector and maturity of the linked data technology stack.
Resistance to change
Rhetoric of open data supporters puts an emphasis on bureaucracy as a major barrier to opening data in the public sector. There is a tendency to frame the politics of access to data as a struggle between the public sector, that has an inbreed attachment to secrecy, and members of the public, which are depicted rather as individuals than groups [3, p. 7].While this view seems to be biased, the institutional inertia may pose a challenge to adoption of open data, which may require a “cultural change in the public sector” [4]. The transition from the status quo may be significantly hindered by the established culture in the public administration. “A major impediment is an entrenched closed culture in many government organisations as a result of the fear of disclosing government failures and provoking political escalation and public outcry” [5]. The intangible problem of the closed mindset prevailing in the public sector proves to be difficult to resolve. And so, in many ways, the adoption of open data “isn’t a hardware retirement issue, it’s an employee retirement one” [6].
Resistance to change is not the only barrier hindering in the adoption of open data. A hurdle that is commonly encountered by open data advocates is that civil servants perceive open data as an additional workload that lacks clear justification [7, p. 70]. Unlike citizens that are allowed to do everything that is not prohibited, public servants are allowed to do only what law and policies order them to do. Voluntary adoption of open data at the lower levels of public administration is thus highly unlikely. It requires a policy to push open data through.
However, it might be for the existing policies that the change is made difficult. In general, the public sector is a subject to special obstacles that impede adoption of new technologies. For example, the combination of strict data handling procedures and constricted possibilities due to limited budget resources may effectively stop any technological change [7]. That is why there must by a strong commitment to open data on the upper levels of the public sector in order to put through the necessary amendments to existing data handling policies.
Technology maturity
Semantic web technologies underlying linked data were for a long time thought of as not being ready for adoption in the enterprise settings and in the public sector. In 2010, linked data technology stack was not perceived to be ready for large-scale adoption in the public sector. John Sheridan reports three key things missing [8]:- Repeatable design patterns
- Supportive tools
- Commoditization of linked data APIs
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